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Agency, C. S. (2001). Ethiopia dhs 2000. 1–299. 
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Agency2001
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Categories: General
Keywords: Ethiopia, ICF, Macro, USAID
Creators: Agency
Attachments   URLs   http://www.dhsprog ... df/FR118/FR118.pdf
The 2000 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) is the first of its kind to be conducted in the country. The findings presented in this report will provide valuable information in the formulation of appropriate population and health policies and programs in the country. Key indicators relating to fertility, mortality and health are provided for the 9 regions and 2 administrative council areas of the country. In addition, data are also provided by urban and rural residence. Findings from the DHS indicate that there has been some decline in fertility over the last decade. Knowledge of family planning is relatively high in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, the use of contraception is very low, with current use markedly lower than ever use. The mass media are not important sources of information on family planning, indicating tremendous potential for improving information, education and communication in Ethiopia. The majority of Ethiopian women and men prefer to space or limit the number of children that they have, and have a potential need for family planning. If all currently married women who say they want to space or limit the number of children were to use family planning, there would be a more than five-fold increase in the contraceptive prevalence rate in Ethiopia. DHS data also show that child mortality has declined over the last decade. Nevertheless, there is much scope for improvement in maternal and child health. Most mothers received no antenatal care, and the majority of deliveries is non-institutional and receives no assistance from health professionals. It is encouraging to note, however, that knowledge of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia is high.